Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ascending Copper Canyon. What an adventure & it ain't over yet. With Greg Johnson.

Ascending Copper Canyon. 
Had to climb this rough as guts switchback too.It's the only way out. A lot of roads have been washed away so temp. passage were made for much of the 30kilometers, about 20 miles. Temp & wrought. No maintenance at all.Copper Canyon, Mexico, It's one Awesome & humongous canyon.
We have arrived at Divisadero?? Which over looks the whole canyon. Excellent room right on the edge of the canyon. See the fog, that's our view. Bummer. This nice little girl wanted her dad to take a pic with our cool bikes. People are blown away when they find out we rode to the bottom of Copper Canyon on them. The Mexicans are so nice. And yes it is NOT derogatory to call them that here as that's what they call themselves and WANT to be known as.
The 1st rickety bridge in Copper Canyon Mexico we had to cross. This one is safe, it had guard rails Luckily we took the left wheel track as it was the better choice if there is such a thing.

Our luggage bags and trunk are made by Jesse Luggage Systems in AZ. They are the best, strong, crash proof, leak-proof and very secure (excellent locking system). They are the best by far. Love em lots.
Wooden bridge with no safety railings, in Copper Canyon, Mexico
 Our  hotel for the night. It's literally but on an edge of a canyon 2000 feet to the bottom from the balcony. In Creel, Mexico. Thank you to our sponsors, Ivan & Yolanda wonderful hosts for arranging this on short notice.

Kiwi and Wingman Gregs Copper Canyon Experience! Phase 1 of the "Ride Around The World"

Changing my flat tire 1/2 way down into Copper Canyon Mexico on the good section of road. Its about a 12% steep down hill grade. Around the corner ahead it gets even steeper. Ya just fix shit where it stops in these parts. We were back rolling in 45 mins. NASCAR tire changers ain't got nothing on us lol.
Towards the upper end of Copper Canyon Mexico past Creel. Copper Canyon is & times bigger than the Grand Canyon. Imagine riding into that. Wow. It even gets better.
 The people of Mexico
Greg negotiating one of the Hilly bits. Its rough as guts and you gota hang on for dear life. You can start out with your line but it goes all to here after hitting the 1st rock poking out or bump.
 To the left we go over the bridge. This part coming down the steep grade to this point was extremely challenging on our bikes. The road is pushed out fresh unstable rock by the bulldozers. Very little control at all. The bridge has 2 wheel tracks made up of 3 boards each side totaling about 12" wide tracks. It seems easy but there's a pothole before each bridge entrance that screws up your line. To make matters worse the boards aren't in alignment so you gota change your line 1/2 way along. Holy crap captain. This bridge has rails. I was so focused on the 2nd bridge pot hole and mis aligned boards that I didn't notice it had no safety railings at all. One mistake and its over the edge. Incomprehensible. We are in raw heavy construction territory on WWII era Indians. Wow crazy Gringos
 Yes that is me kissing the black top. My lip marks were left in it. Happy to see a decent road again would be a severe understatement. 10 miles took 4 hours to cover. 1 section was 1 mile in 1 hour. And for the record the black top had no taste.
We got a lot more than we bargained for today in Mexico as we came across 2 Cartel shootouts with bodies still on the road. We had about 75 Federal Policia with full auto rifles upon us. Things settled down when we said we were Americans. The 1st scene was 5 vehicles burned to a crisp. The 2nd scene we dare not film as the Policia were still swarming the scene and looking in the trees. These guys make US cops look like pussys. They meant business. Vehicles spread all over the road and more bodies. Prob happened 2-3 hrs before we got there. These guys WILL make u shit your pants. We finally got to our motel but we r still trembling. This stuff you only see on TV.